Thursday, October 25, 2012

EDUC 7108 Module 4: The Disruptive Power of Second Life

Second Life, as defined by Wikipedia, is an online virtual world developed by Linden Lab.  Participants in Second Life must create avatars in order to participate in the virtual world.  Second Life functions in real time.  In a YouTube video, Dr. Clayton Christensen explains disruptive technology or innovation.  He states that disruptive technology transforms a product that history was so expensive and complicated to an affordable and more accessible that a much large popular.
Second Life can displace asynchronous communication, blogs, and wikis.  Thus, it is a disruptive technology, because it can provide participants with real-time collaborative and communication abilities. I believe that telecommunication systems, social networks with skyping abilities, and face time have displaced second life.  Although Second Life is gaining popularity in higher education, I found little research in to support Second Life implementation in K12 education. 
Laureate Education, Inc. (2009).  Emerging and future technology:  Disruptive technologies.  Baltimore, MD:  Author.
Second life.  Wikipedia (2012).  Retrieved October 26, 2012 from
Responded to:
Brenda McKoy and Daniel Oprish


Saturday, October 13, 2012

EDUC 7108 Module 3 Rhyme of History

The Difference Engine by Charles Babbage (17911871)  
   Image credit: Marcin Wichary; Source: The Computer History Museum

      Most people appear to be nonchalant in their thinking or usage of a computer, laptop, etc.  In 1822, Charles Babbage purposes the development of the Different Engine.  The Different Engine is the first mechanical computer or automatic computer engine concept.  As generations past, inventors merge the principles of Rhymes of History and reconstruct the embodiment of the computer.  Kevin Kelly, in his “The Next 5,00vDays of the Web” speech, renders the notion of the Web as being one global machine and its implications on the future generations.
While, Thornburg statement of Rhymes of History is "The affect or impact of a new development rekindles something from the distant past..."  In this clip from Kelly's speech, he rekindles the ideology of moving society to the next level of social networking systems.  He provides a realistic image of the Web in the next five thousand days.

Computer History Museum.  The Babbage Engine.


Sunday, September 30, 2012

EDUC 7108 Module 2 Emerging Technology Tetrad


It revolutionized office work and gave writers the freedom from ink and pen transcribing.
Obsolesce of this sophisticated technology came through similar inventions like the word processor, eventually, replaced over the years by the Computer.
The typewriter evolved from ink and pen transcription to a form of the printed word that replaced in- part the Printing Press. It offers greater functionality and mobility to the work and home.
The emerging technology that replaced the typewriter revolutionized how the written word conveyed. Of course, the typewriter did influence change in the office place, but the computer took office work to a higher degree of professionalism. The computer redefined or removed gender roles in the workplace. Men and women could type documents and letters.


Squidoo (2012). Obsolete Modern Technology. Retrieved September 12, 2012 from   


Created global connection, unlimited resources, and information. Releasing the written word from its previous technologies (handwriting and typewriter) to unlimited and unimaginable capabilities such as, text and images.
The Computer has evolved in size (from tubes to tablets) and capabilities (mobile devices), but does not have a rival technology on the horizon to replace it. The move in computer technology is on lesser dependence on the keyboard, which could potentially render this category obsolete (CBT, 2012).
The Computer has still retains its keyboard from its predecessor the typewriter, with varies modifications in size and style.
The computer shows no signs of obsolesces. This is mainly because Computer scientist and Engineers are moving at a faster pace of inventing computers that are digitalized and linearized; however, our society is still embracing analog and nonlinear devices. Therefore, innovations will take time to be fully integrated into society.



Discover magazine (2005) Computer Emerging. Retrieved September 22, 2012 from

CBT Planet (2012) the Future of Computers. Retrieved September 22, 2012 from 


            I remembered when my mother purchased an automatic typewriter for the house.  She was extremely proud of her for the purchase of a new typewriter.  Mom showed me her first typewriter which was a manual typewriter.  And, she explained to me why the new typewriter was better than the manual typewriter.  I, on the other hand, did not like the new typewriter.  To me, it appeared time consuming and difficult to operate.  Thus, I was more than happy when the computer was invented.  I

What does this technology do that is new?

            From the typewriter to the computer, the improvement of speed and access to the internet is outstanding.  The innovative computer allows individuals to process larger amounts of information within the same timeframe.  Corrections of documents are easier.  The computer allows individuals to multi-task while located in one position.

What does this technology replace?

            The computer replaces the typewriter.  The computer is able to rekindle the radio as well as the tape recorder.

What does this technology bring to mind (or retrieve) from the past?

            The typewriter brings to mind how individual wrote all their documents by hand.  The computer brings to mind individuals with pencils behind their ears in a larger office all typewriting numerous documents.

What might replace this technology in the future, or what might it cause to occur?

            The technology that will replace the current computer is a voice computer.  This computer turns on and off along with completing every task by an individual’s voice.   



Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Learning Theory & Educational Technology

After reading the first two chapters of Psychology of Learning for Instruction by Marcy P. Driscoll (2005), I began wondering about my students' abilities to learn a concept and are the assignments demonstrating their knowledge.  Yes, there are certain factors that should be present when a person is learning. One of the factors for students’ learning environment is his or her environment conducive and stimulating.  And, will this factor or other factors cause students to “think outside of the box” or exercise their critical thinking skills? From my teaching experience, there are people who believe that special needs students cannot demonstrate critical thinking.  As a special education teacher, I disagree with that notion. Driscoll (2005) explained and defined the major learning theories and their essential components (results, means, and inputs). She continued her explanation by explaining the history of the major learning theories. This led me to become curious about the implementations modern learning theories and how educators should educate students in today’s learning environments.  Are there any compatibility between educational technology and learning theories?

From my curious about learning theories and educational technology, I believe my educational philosophy has changed. My beliefs about how students learn best may vary from my colleagues. I believe that students learn concepts and gain knowledge from a combination of learning styles (spatial/visual, tactile/kinetic, auditory and logical). Therefore, I do not believe students obtain knowledge through one type of learning style. I do, however, believe that students do have a dominant learning style. And, the purpose of learning theories and educational technology is to provide a platform for students to learn, demonstrate his or her knowledge, and gain real-world experiences through given activities.

Driscoll (2005) and Siemens (2008) consecutively provided a clear picture about the critical elements for a learning theory. Driscoll (2005) offered the psychology methodologies of learning. Siemens (2008) expanded upon those methodologies by making the connection between the major learning theories and educational technology.  In the article Learning and Knowing in Networks: Changing roles for Educators and Designers, Siemens (2008) described and gave examples of how Web 2.0 tools can assist with students’ learning. From his descriptions, do the roles of educators and designers change?

Siemens’s “metaphors of educators” characterized the roles of an instructor in a digital classroom or workplace. The roles are master artist, network administrator, concierge, and curator. From his explanation of these roles, Siemens (2008) analyzed the principles of instructivism versus constructivism and how each approach holds a varied level of values that depends on its context or complexity of the learning.

After ponding over the roles stated in Siemens’s article, how do I classify myself as an educator? Is it possible for me to hold more than one role depending on the learning situation?  While, there may be no straightforward answer to that question.  For me, it is a balancing act.  As a curator, I provide my expertise in a specific academic subject area and encourage my students to explore concepts and gain their own knowledge.  As a concierge, I direct my students’ learning opportunities.  Does the balancing act allow me to be a master artist? Or, does the balancing act support me in observing my students’ activities and/or draw attention to their innovative ideas or approaches to learning? On numerous multifold levels, I guide, direct, and influence my students’ learning. Therefore, I am more than willing to step in and out of roles in order to provide my students with a quality level of learning.


Driscoll, M. P. (2005). Psychology of learning for instruction (3rd ed.). Boston, MA: Pearson Education.

Siemens, G. (2008, January 27). Learning and knowing in networks: Changing roles for educators and designers. Paper presented to ITFORUM. Retrieved December 08, 2009 from

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Engaging Learners with New Strategies and Tools

     Hybrid learning is a combination of face-to-face interaction with online learning.  Customarily, it involves the delivery of curricular materials, access to resources, submission of assignments, project based learning, activities that support some order of thinking, and online discussions that may be asynchronous or synchronous in nature (Buzzetto-More & Sweat-Guy, 2006).  Hybrid learning for higher functioning special needs students (students with Specific Learning Disability, Other Health Impaired or Mildly Mental Retardation disabilities) can be beneficial by focusing on the educational learning styles and/or a combination of educational learning styles.  Therefore, hybrid learning in K-12 schools can provide assistance in preparing special needs students for college and university’s courses.  Several colleges and universities are now offering students quantity versions of distance education.  However, the shift from traditional classroom education to computer-mediated distance learning may pose an enormous challenge (Misanchuk & Anderson, 2001).   Galusha (1997) explained that the essential element and the key foundation of distance education is successful teaching regardless of the physical location during the learning process.

Buzzetto-More, N.A and Sweat-Guy, R. (2006).  Hybrid learning defined.  Journal of Information Technology Education.   5, 152-158.
Galusha, J. M. (1997).  Barriers to Learning in Distance Education.  Interpersonal Computing and Technology.   Publisher: ERIC Clearinghouse.  5 (3-4), 6-14.
Misanchuk, M. and Anderson, T. (2001).  Building community in an online learning environment: Communication, cooperation, and collaboration.  Received on January 12, 2012.

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